We advise lenders, investors, developers, owners, customers, land owners, and operators regarding finance, development, tax credits, environmental incentives and related matters. We have represented both lenders and borrowers in renewable energy financings involving a variety of debt and equity structures involving projects in over 25 states.
Our experience in financing renewable energy projects and our knowledge of applicable incentives and regulatory frameworks helps us identify and address important issues early in the project development cycle/financing process. That enables our clients to maximize value while cutting transaction costs.
We handle:
- Development, bridge, construction and permanent financing transactions, including both direct project loans and back-levered structures for individual projects as well as portfolios of projects;
- Financings of utility scale, commercial and industrial and community solar projects;
- Financings of energy storage projects;
- Power purchase agreements; site leases, licenses and easements; engineering, procurement, and construction contracts; operations and maintenance agreements, asset management services agreements, and capital leases;
- Matters related to renewable energy tax credits;
- Negotiating the relative rights of tax equity investors and lenders in partnership flip and inverted lease tax equity structures;
- Negotiating the relative rights of tax credit purchases and lenders in tax credit sale transactions;
- Acquisitions and dispositions of renewable energy companies, divisions and projects;
- Sale and financing of renewable energy credits and similar environmental attributes tied to the production of renewable energy;
- Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financings for renewable energy, energy efficiency, and water efficiency projects;
- Corporate matters;
- Real estate matters;
- Loan workouts and restructurings; and
- Renewable energy litigation disputes.
In addition to project finance and development advice, we offer a range of legal services, including:
- Advice on corporate governance, bankruptcy/creditor’s rights, employment, real estate, taxation and intellectual property issues; and
- Representation in dispute resolution and litigation.
Gallagher Evelius & Jones is a member of the Solar Energy Industries Association.
Attorney Spotlight

Michael J. Henigan
mhenigan@gejlaw.comMike Henigan’s practice is focused primarily on the representation of lenders, developers and equity investors in all facets of the acquisition, development, financing and disposition of affordable multifamily housing and other commercial properties.