2022 Rose Woolson 290×216 p: 410.347.1295

As a member of Gallagher’s Litigation Practice, Rose represents a variety of commercial clients, helping them prepare for and navigate the legal process.

Rose received her JD from the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law, graduating magna cum laude in 2022.  While in law school, Rose was a summer associate at Gallagher (2020 and 2021), a staff editor for the Journal of Business and Technology, and a student attorney in the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic.

She earned her undergraduate degree in 2018 from Davidson College, graduating cum laude. At Davidson College, she was a member of the Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society, a team captain for the NCAA Division I women’s lacrosse team, and a team leader for Team IMPACT, which matches children facing serious illness and disability with college sports teams.

Beyond Gallagher

Rose enjoys cheering on her Baltimore hometown sports teams, the Ravens and the Orioles, and has recently taken up pickleball. Rose also enjoys gardening and spending time with her rescue schnauzer.

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Area(s) of Practice

Bar Admissions

  • Maryland


  • Davidson College, BA, cum laude, 2018
  • University of Maryland School of Law, JD, magna cum laude, 2022