Meghan Casey has been named one of 2019’s “Leading Women” by The Daily Record. “Leading Women” identifies women who are 40 years old or younger for the tremendous accomplishments they have made so far in their careers. They are judged on professional experience, community involvement, and their commitment to inspiring change. Winners are selected by a panel of business and legal professionals and a representative of The Daily Record.
Meghan’s legal career includes two judicial clerkships and positions with the Maryland Attorney General’s Office and the Office of the Governor of Maryland as Deputy Legal Counsel. Prior to attending law school, Meghan was an elementary school teacher in Houston, Texas for three years, two of which were spent as a Teach for America Corps member. During that time she was selected “Teacher of the Year” in 2004 by her colleagues.
Meghan’s commitment to serve others is currently evident in her work as a mentor with the CollegeBound Program, as well as in her roles as a board member for the Baltimore Design School and The Intersection.
Attorney Spotlight

Meghan K. Casey
mcasey@gejlaw.comMeghan has extensive experience representing individuals, educational institutions, non-profit and religious organizations, and commercial entities in high-stakes litigation in federal and state courts and administrative proceedings.